Farm Happenings at Good Dog Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 1, 2020

Posted on June 26th, 2020 by Joanna Winkler

It's been a great week on the farm! We welcomed our fourth new crew member this week so we've been flying through our to do lists! It's so new to us working with a team - so many tasks that would take us a very long time, or just continue to get pushed to the bottom of the list, are now getting done swiftly. It's very nice for our mental health plus the health and productivity of our plants. The summer squash and cucumbers really blew up this week so you boxes will be loaded with them this week! Weirdly we didn't plant anything this week, just lots of harvesting and cleaning up from spring crops. We also moved the walkways between the beds of plants so that we can maneuver more easily and so that the plants get plenty of light. And of course, more trellising of tomatoes, peppers and peas. We also got to go tubing this afternoon as a whole crew - summer is really happening!