Farm Happenings at Zilnicki Farms
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Farm Happenings for June 11, 2019

Posted on June 9th, 2019 by John Zilnicki

Hello members!  Few quick things as I hope everyone is outside enjoying this gorgeous weather we are having!  Thank you again for returning boxes as this helps us greatly and reduces out overall waste, very appreciated.  Strawberries are in!  We have noticed the shelf life on them isn't as long as we would like so we recommend eating them ASAP.  Also this and next week are the last 2 weeks of Long Island Asparagus season as I know some people are tired of seeing it but trust me, once its out of region we all will wish we had more!  Its a weird time in the fields as us and many farmers are in-between crops as we are feeling the effects of all the rain and cold of the spring.  The boxes may be very green but lots of color and variations are right around the corner!  

Also, this week and going forward we will be offering other local farms, small businesses products.  This week we introduce Goodale Farms.  A family farm located in Riverhead that specializes in milks and cheese.  When you receive your emails if you scroll down to bottom you can add extra products that we have limited quantities of.  This is where you can select several cheeses and milk.  Id recommend the cheese and milk only for farmstand pick ups, as we can keep them refrigerated until pick up.  Enjoy the day and see you soon!